Agenda item


Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk reporting action taken since its last meeting.


RESOLVED – that it be noted that approval was given to the following:-


1.       the allocation of £673,800 to meet the cost of highway improvements at Queen Victoria Street, Bucklersbury and Walbrook and £70,000 from 2016/17 City’s Cash provision for new schemes for  improvements to City’s Estate land known as “The Grid” (i.e. private land immediately in front of the Mansion House) in relation to the Bloomsbury Development;


2.       the provision of £70,000 to sponsor the first year of operation of a Social Mobility Employer Index being launched by the cross party Social Mobility Commission (£60,000 in sponsorship plus £10,000 to cover a launch event in June). The cost was to be met from the Committee’s Policy Initiatives Fund for 2016/17, categorised under the Communities section of the Fund and charged to City’s Cash;


3.       to delegating responsibility for signing a memorandum of understanding to the Director of Community and Children’s Services in relation to the integrated governance arrangements for the North East London Sustainability and Transformation Plan; and


4.       the release of funding (in instalments) of up to £5.398m to take the Museum of London Relocation project to the end of RIBA Stage 1 by July 2017.




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