Agenda item

City Arts Initiative Recommendations

Report of the Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries in respect of the recommendations of the recent meeting of the City Arts Initiative. 


Members welcomed the recommendation in respect of Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore  and its value in engaging with pupils from the City of London School.  Members would also be willing to support similar initiatives which could involve all City of London Schools and Academies.


The Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries advised Members of a late submission from Marie Curie for a ‘garden of light’; i.e. a garden of artificial daffodils close by St Pauls, in a similar display to the ‘Poppies at the Tower’  in 2014.   Members noted that the display would be part of an awareness campaign for cancer research, to last for 8 days in March 2017.  Given that the Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee would not meet again until 6 February 2017, the application would need to be processed between meetings in order to meet the timescales for the project. Members noted that the application had been circulated to all Members of the CAI and all of them had supported the proposal.




  1. Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore – hoarding commission Air Map be approved subject to credits appearing in pavement sections only; consultation being undertaken and acknowledgement of the City of London School being clearly shown.


  1. Marie Curie - the ‘Garden of Light’ - authority be delegated to the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee to progress this application.



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