Agenda item

Outstanding References

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee received a report of the Town Clerk which set out Outstanding References from previous meetings.


The Commissioner explained that it would not be possible to provide the outcomes of the Barbican CCTV upgrade in January 2017, as work would still be ongoing. He explained that a report providing an update on this would be provided.


A Member commented that he had attended the Community Speedwatch event during the previous week, along with two other Members of the Court. The Member explained that those present had observed a marked change in behaviour from motorists once they noticed the presence of the Officers running the Speedwatch event. He asked whether it may be possible to purchase models of Police Officers and place these in areas where speeding was prevalent.


The Commissioner explained that this approach had been tried in other areas of the country, but was typically only effective in areas where high speeds were reached. He explained that the Force was investigating whether there was any infrastructure which could be installed to reduce speeding in the City, such as flashing speed notification signs.


RESOLVED – That the Committee notes the report.

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