Agenda item

Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent


Urgency Procedures


The Town Clerk reported that the following decisions which were taken under urgency procedures since the last meeting:


(a)    Power was given to a Sub Committee to consider objections from “all relevant persons” and not just the Police (which was previously the case) to consider ‘Temporary Event Notices’.


(b)    Approval was given for the Licensing and Gambling Policies to be submitted to the Court of Common Council meeting on 17 January 2013.





Caroline Webb


The Chairman thanked Caroline Webb, Committee & Member Services Officer, for her work and contributions to the Committee and Sub Committee Hearings and wished her well for the future.


Chairman’s Thanks


As this was the Chairman’s last meeting in the Chair he thanked Members and officers for their support during his chairmanship and wished Members well for the March 2013 elections.