Agenda item

Business Improvement & Change and Performance & Risk Management (DB)


Business Improvement


The Chairman reported that the recommendations made by HMIC remained a key component of business improvement.


During 2016/17 the Force had been managing the implementation of 419 recommendations, 252 of which were specific to the City of London and 167 were for all forces to address. Of the 252 CoL recommendations, 215 had been delivered, 19 remained in progress, 7 had been closed and 11 could not be progressed until associated actions had been delivered.


During 2017/18 the Force would be performing more robust self assessments, to include peer reviews and more ‘reality testing’, which would enable the Force to be more proactive in implementing best practice before an inspection rather than reacting to findings.


Risk Management


The Chairman reported that oversight of the Force Risk Management process was maintained through bi-annual meetings with the Assistant Commissioner to review the content of the Force Strategic Risk Register and ensure that the process is robust. The Force had also initiated a risk audit process where green scored risks are reviewed to quality assure the control scores and assumptions.