Agenda item

City of London Police Risk Register Update

Report of the Commissioner of Police.


The Committee received an update on the CoLP Strategic Risk Register which had been reviewed as part of the quarterly assurance process maintained within the CoLP.

The Committee was made aware of all the critical risks, which might impact on service delivery or performance, together with any plans to eliminate or mitigate critical risks, and the changing risk profile of the Force.


A Member asked if consideration could be given to adding a risk regarding the lack of Workforce Plan currently and the Commissioner undertook to consider this. In response to questions concerning target dates for moving from ‘red’ to ‘amber’ and ‘green’, the Commissioner stated that he was satisfied with the process in place in Force for managing and mitigating risk, but undertook to update Members on the three red risks. He further advised that a report on workforce planning was due to come to the Performance and Resource Management Sub Committee in February 2017.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.





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