Agenda item

Independent Custody Visitor Guidelines

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee received the updated guidelines for the Independent Custody Visiting (ICV) Scheme for the City of London from the Town Clerk.


The Committee was advised that scheme had been in effect since 2007 and required an update due to some of the content being out of date. The guidelines had been shared with the ICV Panel, made up of the visitors and the City of London Police, and their comments were integrated into the report. 


In response to a question concerning the current number of visitors, the Town Clerk advised that the scheme was up to full strength, however needed to be more diverse to be fully representative of the community.


It was agreed that details of the existing visitors should be circulated to the Member. (Add to OR)




a)            That the contents of the report be noted; and


b)            The revised guidelines for Independent Custody Visitors (ICVs) in the City of London be approved.



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