Report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services.
The Sub Committee considered a report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services which provided an update regarding the Mais House Decant Programme. Members noted that it was not in the Corporation’s interest to defer housing applications of residents who refuse an offer or reduce their priority for rehousing. It was therefore proposed that conditions be waived for the purposes of rehousing Mais House residents under the decant programme and that where residents refuse an offer they continue to be considered for further offers in the interests of securing a satisfactory outcome. Members discussed the report and agreed that any waiver should be time-limited.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted and the conditions restricting the number of offers applicants can receive and refuse be waived for Mais House residents being rehoused under the decant programme for a period of 12 months or until planning consent was obtained (whichever occurred first).
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