Agenda item

Pedestrian Segregation Barrier - New Spitalfields Market (NSM) - Gateway 7 outcome report

Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection detailing the Gateway 7 Outcome Report for the Pedestrian Segregation Barrier at New Spitalfields Market.


The Chairman, on behalf of the Committee, congratulated the Superintendent of New Spitalfields Market on delivering the project under budget and on time.


A Member questioned whether stating that, with the installation of the barrier, ‘pedestrians could no longer be struck by Fork Lift Trucks or loads carried in these areas’ was overstating the case given that the barrier could always fail. The Chairman suggested that it should be noted that the installation of the barrier had, instead, minimised this possibility as far as is practicable.


RESOLVED – That, Members note the successful result.

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