Agenda item

Terms of Reference of the Markets Committee and Frequency of Meetings

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk concerning their terms of reference and frequency of meetings.


It was felt that the Terms of Reference should be amended to make it clear, in paragraph (a), that the Committee had oversight of the management of all matters relating to New Spitalfields Market, and in paragraph (b) to make it clear that this Committee acted jointly with the Port Health and Environmental Services and Licensing Committees on the appointment of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection with no one Committee assuming the lead on this.




a)           the Terms of Reference of the Markets Committee be amended for submission to the Court, as follows:


To be responsible for:-


(a)   oversight of the management of all matters relating to Smithfield Market, Billingsgate Market and New Spitalfields Market and the letting of all premises therein;


(b)   the appointment of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection (in consultation acting jointly with the Port Health and Environmental Services and Licensing Committees); and


b)      Members agree that the frequency of meetings per annum be arranged in consultation with the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection, in order for them to align this with the anticipated work programme for the year.



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