Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.
The Committee received a report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection providing Members with an update on progress for Period 2 (August-November0 of 2016-17 against key performance indicators (KPIs) and objectives outlined in the Markets’ Business Plan.
The City Surveyor reported that it was hoped that he would be in a position to instruct solicitors within a month regarding the revised terms agreed with advertising hoarding company ClearChannel at Billingsgate. The Committee therefore agreed to further delegated authority for the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Markets Committee, to sign off on this matter. In response to questions, the City Surveyor confirmed that ClearChannel were existing tenants at the Market but were looking for a variation to upgrade their advertising equipment on site.
A Member questioned the better than budget position at the end of November 2016 and how much of this represented genuine savings versus deferring spending in certain areas. The Head of Business Performance reported that, at present, one post was being held vacant which had resulted in a salary saving of approximately £25k per annum. A total of £80k worth of maintenance work had also been delayed to date. It was, however, anticipated that the repairs and maintenance budget would be fully spent by the end of March 2017.
In response to a question regarding cases of long term sickness absence at Smithfield Market, the Head of Business Performance confirmed that the 6 cases referred to took place during either the 1st or 2nd reporting period and not over the whole of these two periods.
With regard to the draft Specification for the review of the City’s wholesale markets, the Director informed the Committee that it was expected that the ITT would now be issued to industry in February.
With regard to Filming/Photography at the Markets, the Chairman highlighted that HAAL Media Ltd had been charged £250 for filming at Billingsgate Market on Saturday 3 September 2017 but that this detail had been omitted from the report. The Deputy Chairman requested that Officers make it clear in all future reports where no charges had been made for filming/photography. The Superintendent of Billingsgate Market stated that, generally speaking, there were no charges made for filming of news items or for those affiliated with the Market/Industry, such as the promotional film for ‘’ which had been filmed towards the end of September 2016. A Member commented that, if no charges were made for these items, the Markets should at least ensure that they gained some publicity from them. The Superintendent of Billingsgate Market confirmed that publicity was discussed with those filming where possible but it was recognised that Officers did not have editorial control over the filming that took place on site. The Member disagreed with this approach and suggested that this should be made a condition in future where no charges were made for filming/photography.
RESOLVED – That the Committee notes the contents of the report and its appendices.
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