Agenda item

HGV Unloading Risk Report

Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection concerning the Heavy Good Vehicle (HGV) Unloading Risk at Smithfield Market. The report was initially circulated as a non-public agenda item but, at the Chairman’s request, and taking into account that it related to a red risk on the Markets Committee Risk Register, this was moved to the public agenda.


It was noted that, following the Committee’s interest, the Smithfield Market Tenants’ Association (SMTA) were being more positive in their level of co-operation regarding HGV Unloading – Banksman Activities.


The Operations and Administration Manager reported that the Freight Transport Association (FTA) audits conducted in 2015 and, more recently, in January 2017, had been paid for by the Market. The audit had looked at various aspects and had noted the progress made in certain areas. The full audit report was expected next month but initial feedback, based primarily on the actions developed following the 2015 audit, indicated that there had been some notable improvements with just one or two still left to progress further.


The Chairman requested that the final audit report be circulated to all Members of the Markets Committee via email once received.


RESOLVED – That, the partnership working approach is continued, subject to regular review of progress, and in the context of any further recommendations the FTA may make in the follow up audit.


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