Report of the Chamberlain.
The Sub-Committee received a report of the Chamberlain outlining the CIPFA Public Sector Corporate Services Value for Money (VFM) Indicators for Finance and Human Resources (HR) and 2015/16 (the latest available statistics) and comparing movements to the previous two years. The comparator base used was London Boroughs.
The Chamberlain reported that overall both Finance and HR scored well on embedding modern practices and on impact in the organisation, reflecting the high quality of the service provided. Both departments were relatively high cost compared to the local authorities in the comparator group due to the nature of the corporate structure and the mix of work undertaken. However, the relative cost, compared to the size of the organisation, of both services had fallen from the previous year.
The Chamberlain advised that he was focusing on securing further efficiencies through process re-engineering and system improvements, improving the financial management information to service users and ensuring appropriate professional development of staff.
The Director of HR was focusing on a number of areas to reduce costs going forward as part of the City Corporation’s efficiency plan.
The Chairman questioned the usefulness of the data provided, particularly the comparisons to very different local authorities, and suggested that the inclusion of more trend-analysis and graphic content would be more useful.
The Chamberlain acknowledged that while the data provided limited value, any externally validated data was always helpful if the Corporation were to be challenged.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
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