Agenda item

Future City and Smart City Update

Report of the Director of the Built Environment.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment concerning the preparation of a statement on the City Corporation’s vision and ambitions for Future City and the creation of a smart city that was competitive, innovative, resilient and connected.




1.          the recent progress made and future initiatives expected to help deliver the place elements of the City’s emerging mission statement, vision and ambitions for Future City be noted; 


2.          the Initial Strategy for a Smart and Innovative City as summarised in paragraphs 8-10 of the report be noted;


3.          the proposed Smart City Initiatives for 2017 as set out in paragraphs 17-20 of the report be approved; 


4.          a sum of £200k for the interim funding of the programme of smart city initiatives for 2017 be approved. The funds would be met from the department’s 2016/17 local risk projected underspend and carried forward in to 2017/18; and


5.          it be noted that it was intended to seek funding for additional permanent staff to progress the smart city agenda longer term. 


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