Agenda item

Combining Middlesex Street & Avondale Square, Golden Lane and York Way Redecorations Projects

Report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services.



The Committee considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services which sought approval to combine the existing projects in respect of the redecorations to external and internal common parts for the Middlesex Street, Avondale Square, Golden Lane and York Way Estates.


A Member asked for clarification regarding why the works in relation to the flooring in the lift lobby areas and replacement of tenants’ front doors at Petticoat Tower were not included within the combined project. The Director of Community and Children’s Services explained that these aspects of the work were of a specialised nature and therefore it would be better value for money to progress these works independently of the main project.


RESOLVED – That the Committee:


a)    Approves the combination of the two External and Internal Common Parts redecorationprojects.

b)    Approves the separation of the additional works to Petticoat Tower from the scope of the External and Internal Common Parts redecorations project, so that they can be addressed separately as Revenue projects.

c)     Notes the revised total budget of £2,875,163.


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