Agenda item

Barbican and Community Libraries services for children and families

Report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services.



The Committee noted that the Barbican and Community Libraries comprises the City’s three lending libraries; Barbican Library, Shoe Lane Library and Artizan Street Library and Community Centre. Our libraries all do far more than simply loan books. They also provide a range of innovative activities and services for children and families which positively impact education and literacy, socialisation/social isolation, health and wellbeing/child development and fun and play. Many of these services and activities are the product of successful partnership working and they also provide a variety of opportunities for the City’s communities to engage in volunteering.


City parents consistently rate the services provided by the libraries very highly and

consequently, the Department of Community and Children’s Services has

commissioned Barbican and Community Libraries to deliver a range of Children’s

Centre services on its behalf.


Resolved – that the update be received.


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