Construction of a building arranged on three basement
floors, ground and 58 upper floors plus mezzanines and
plant comprising floorspace for use within Classes A and
B1 of the Use Classes Order and a publicly accessible
viewing gallery and facilities (sui generis); hard and soft
landscaping works; the provision of ancillary servicing and
other works incidental to the development. (201,449sq.m.
The Committee considered a report of the Chief Planning Officer (CPO) in relation to the site of the 62 storey tower at 22 Bishopsgate which was currently being constructed.
The CPO reported that the current scheme was for a tower comprising 59 storeys at ground and above with an amended design to the top. The tapering of the upper storeys previously approved had been omitted and replaced by a flat topped lower tower. In other respects the design of the elevations remained as before. The applicants had advised that the lowering of the tower in the new proposal was in response to construction management constraints in relation to aviation safeguarding issues.
The CPO concluded that while the change in design diminished the design and visual impact of the building, the proposal accorded with the development plan as a whole, it would preserve the setting of listed buildings and preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the St Helen's Place Conservation Area, and it was acceptable subject to the imposition of conditions and to a Section 106 agreement.
Several Members spoke in support of the application which they felt was sympathetic in design and would play a supporting role in the apex of the skyline, the designers had also had to work within the constraints of air traffic control which had affected the previous application. Other Members expressed concern regarding the height of the viewing gallery which they felt could be higher, the less elegant revised design, and the number of objections received which needed to be taken into account.
Arising from the discussion the application was put to the vote, the result of which was as follows:-
17 Votes in favour of the application
4 Votes against
1 Abstention
1) Planning permission be granted in accordance with the details set out in the attached schedule subject to:
(a) the Mayor of London being given 14 days to decide whether to allow the
Corporation to grant planning permission as recommended, or to direct
refusal, or to determine the application himself (Article 5(1)(a) of the Town &
Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008);
(b) planning obligations and other agreements being entered into under
Section 106 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 and Section 278 of the
Highway Act 1980 in respect of those matters set out in the report, the
decision notice not to be issued until the Section 106 obligations have been
(2) Approval be given in principle that the land affected by the building which are
currently public highway and land over which the public have right of access
may be stopped up to enable the development to proceed and, upon receipt
of the formal application, officers be instructed to proceed with arrangements
for advertising and making of a Stopping-up Order for the various areas under the delegation arrangements approved by the Court of Common Council.
(3) Officers be instructed to negotiate and execute obligations in respect of those matters set out in "Planning Obligations" under Section 106 and any necessary agreements under Section 278 of the Highway Act 1980.
Supporting documents: