Agenda item

Public Minutes

(a)  To agree the public minutes and summary of the Board meeting held on 24 September 2018.


(b)  To receive the public minutes and summary of the following Sub Committee meetings:-


-       Governance and Effectiveness Committee meeting held on 2 October 2018

-       Audit and Risk Management Committee meeting held on 9 October 2018

-       Remuneration Committee meeting held on 31 October 2018.



RESOLVED – That the public minutes of the Board meeting held on 24 September 2018 be approved as a correct record, subject to the inclusion of Michael Hoffman’s apologies for absence.


The public minutes of the Governance and Effectiveness, Audit and Risk Management and Finance and Resources sub committee meetings held in October were received as information, subject to the Board noting that a meeting had been arranged with the Director of HR in relation to important staffing recruitment and retention issues that were required to be resolved at the earliest opportunity.   

Supporting documents: