Report of the Commissioner of Police.
The Committee received the draft annual report detailing crime, financial and staff statistics as well as the achievements of the City of London Police for 2016-17.
A Member questioned the information given in the Performance against Measures graph concerning the management of anti-social behaviour within the City, which declared that the City of London Police had “worked with St. Mungo’s to conduct operations to identify and assist foreign nationals sleeping rough in the City”. The Member asked for the wording to be amended to remove “foreign nationals” as the Force work to identify and assist all rough sleepers. (4)
A Member also noted that there should be more alignment between the list of Measures set out in the Plan and the graphs indicating Performance against Measures. (5)
A Member asked whether it was necessary to produce reports of such length; responding, the Commissioner explained that these reports provided a vital opportunity for the City of London Police to illustrate all the activities it had been involved in over the course of the year. He also explained that the format of the report was under review in collaboration with the Town Clerk for next year.
RESOLVED – That the draft annual report be approved, subject to Members’ comments during discussion.
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