Agenda item

Efficiency and Sustainability Plan - Update Report

Report of the Chamberlain.


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Chamberlain which provided Members with information about the key principles agreed within the Efficiency and Sustainability Plan and the activities and milestones to support the implementation of the plan.


The Chamberlain explained that, to assist with the embedding of the Efficiency and Sustainability Plan throughout the organisation, a document setting out the key messages of the Plan would be circulated to all Service Committees, alongside the revenue outturn reports, during June and July 2017. A copy of this document was put around the table.


The Chamberlain noted that, with the current inflation estimates, the real terms impact of the 2% year-on-year budget cuts within the Efficiency and Sustainability Plan could be in the region of 15% over the next three years. He explained that the overall principle of the Plan would be considered on an annual basis by the Resource Allocation Sub-Committee. If the level of saving was found to be too high, amendments could be made. The Chamberlain also noted that complying with this requirement could be challenging for some Departments, but any requests from Departments for an exemption should only be considered in conjunction with an appropriate business case.


The Chamberlain also explained that a trial of the Chief Officer Peer Reviews, as part of the Efficiency and Sustainability Plan, was due to take place in the next month. Members were informed that a report was expected to be presented to the Sub-Committee’s next meeting providing information of the findings of this trial.


RESOLVED – That the Sub-Committee notes the report.

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