Agenda item

Quarterly Equality and Inclusion Update

Report of the Commissioner of Police.


The Committee received a report of the Commissioner of Police that provided an update on the Equality and Inclusion related activities conducted by the Force since the last report submitted in September 2016.


The Commissioner explained that the report highlighted that unconscious bias training was progressing in force.


With regard to a Member question on recruitment from under-represented groups, the Commissioner explained that the Force had considered this in detail for the current recruitment campaign.  A Member asked what the significant action was for the recruitment plan and also queried how outcomes from the Staff Survey would be taken forward. The Commissioner stated that the Force Equality and Inclusion Officer had worked extensively with the Human Resources Dept to ensure that advertisements were appropriate and the Lead Member for Equaltiy and Inclusion had also been involved. With regard to the time delay for recruitment, the Commissioner explained that improvement on vetting was needed but that this was largely down to delays by third parties which undertake a specific aspect of the vetting. With regard to the Staff Survey a member of the Force Senior Leadership Team had been appointed to lead on analysis of the outcomes and implementation of any areas for improvement that the analysis identifies.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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