Report of Manager of Community Safety
The Group received a report of the Community Safety Team Manager that reviewed the first year of the City Community Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (CCM).
The Community Safety Team Manager explained that as information sharing is an issue, the CCM is useful in providing a platform for this. However, it should also be noted that there is not sufficient IT infrastructure to best facilitate information storage and sharing.
The Chairman explained that there had been discussions about combining the CCM with the Domestic violence MARAC, though it was decided that this would not be useful or relevant. A Member raised concern over the importance of having effective information sharing protocols and processes.
A Member questioned whether those making repeated suicide attempts were being monitored appropriately, and asked for an explanation of how data on this is stored. The issue of the careful use of terminology in respect to those attempting or threatening suicide was also raised. The Community Safety Team Manager agreed with this point and provided assurance that wherever possible there were links to individual’s mental health providers. It was an area which would continue to develop and be regularly reported back on. (8)
[RESOLVED] – That the report be received.
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