Agenda item

Queen's Park Farm Revitalisation Project

Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath.


The group received a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath that provided a draft vision to revitalise the children’s farm to promote greater public engagement.


Details of the project included a larger, more visually pleasing, entrance and user friendly farm with integrated and focused educational information. In addition, Members were informed that the re-development would allow for an increase in chickens, rabbits, turkeys and miniature sheep and would include additional space allocated to animal housing. It is anticipated that the project would benefit local school groups and members of the local community who visit the farm.


The design and the layout of the re-development were discussed. Members were informed that the proposal is for the development to replicate a figure eight which should aid in increasing traffic flow, donations and provide scope for increased community group and school visits.


Members queried whether a visitor shelter would be included in the project. It was noted that were there scope for a visitor shelter to be included in the expansion, one could be considered.


In addition, Members asked whether consideration could be given to the inclusion of bramble and blackberries when the new hedge is planted alongside the inclusion of perspex windows to allow the public to see inside the enclosures from the Park. Members were informed that the seating area outside the enclosure facing into the Park would also be maintained.


Further queries included the use of the existing pathways and whether they could be incorporated into the plans. It was noted that it may not be possible for the paths to be incorporated within the project due to the new design of the farm.




(a)  Members noted the report and commended the vision and framework of the development.

(b)  Members noted the visualisation proposal and supported proposal B.

(c)  A detailed outline and costings of the proposal to be provided to Members at the next Queen's Park Farm Revitalisationproject report.


Supporting documents: