Agenda item

Parkguard Presentation

A presentation by Parkguard Ltd, neighbourhood patrol service.


Members received a presentation from Parkguard Ltd and the following points were made.


·         There was a disproportionate perception of anti-social behaviour (ASB) on the Middlesex Street Estate. Parkguard had identified the fact that ASB was occurring on the periphery of the estate and was therefore documenting the time and location of ASB and liaising with local police to build an intelligence picture from which planned actions would take place. Parkguard continued to provide community reassurance by providing security guards on the estate at times of high footfall.


·         Parkguard’s partnership working with police had increased – of 130 recent patrols conducted by Parkguard, 109 of those had been in partnership with a police officer. Patrols had identified an increase in paraphernalia in Mansell Street. In response to a question, the Parkguard representative replied that paraphernalia depended on the local context – often the paraphernalia related to Class A drugs.


·         In response to a question from a Member, the Parkguard representative replied that their activities had produced more work for the local police due to increased reporting, but that work was underpinned by a high quality of information and intelligence that allowed the police to undertake successful operations.


·         In response to a question from a Member, the Assistant Director of Housing and Neighbourhoods replied that the Parkguard contract did not cover the Barbican Estate and therefore Barbican residents would need to raise ASB issues with the Barbican Estate Office. The Assistant Director of Barbican and Property Services added that there were no plans to install CCTV in the Barbican Estate.


·         Members thanked Parkguard Ltd for their work across the City’s estates.