Agenda item

New Starter Induction

Report of the Director of Human Resources.


The Board received a report of the Director of HR outlining information provided to new starters on the Local Government Pension Scheme. 


The Director of HR advised Members that the jobs page is about to be refreshed and this will include information relating to the LGPS.  It has also been agreed that as part of the induction process for new starters the Pensions Manager will attend the Town Clerk’s new starter welcome lunches going forward to be available to answer any questions.   FAQs circulated to new starters will also now include information relating to the LGPS.


In response to a comment from the Chairman, the Director of HR agreed that the ’10 good reasons to join the LGPS’ could include information relating to the 50:50 offer.  The Director of HR suggested the leaflet could become 11 good reasons or this information could be incorporated in to one of the other 10 reasons.  It was confirmed that information relating to the Local Government Pension Scheme is available to all employees on the intranet.


In response to a question from a Member, the Chamberlain advised that new starters are advised of the option to transfer funds in to the Local Government Pension Scheme.  It was highlighted that a good number of new employees are aware of this option as is evidenced by the number that do it.  Staff are reminded that they have up to one year to transfer in to the LGPS nine months after they join the City Corporation.


The Chairman commented that it would be useful to know how many of those opting out are longstanding employees or how many are new starters.


Resolved:- That the report is noted.





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