Agenda item

Annual Report on Professional Standards Activity 2016-17

Report of the Commissioner of Police


The Committee considered a report of the Commissioner that provided a comprehensive overview of activities relating to Police Professional Standards over the year 2016/17.  The Commissioner explained that the overall findings were positive.


The Chairman of the Professional Standards & Integrity Sub-Committee explained that the two main areas to focus on improvement were in capacity-related issues that lead to complaints, and also those issues arising from lack of attention to details.


The Deputy Chairman asked the Commissioner for an update on the status of the staff survey.  The Commissioner explained that a new process had been put in place for staff surveys and that Chief Superintendent Evans was overseeing this.  He explained that the response was higher than the average for public sector surveys.  The Commissioner explained that the survey results are due to come out in July, and that they planned to address one of the major past criticisms which was a lack of communication of the results.  A summary report would be available at the September Committee. (1)


RESOLVED – That the report be received.

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