Agenda item

Risk Register Update

Report of the Commissioner of Police.


The Committee received a report of the Commissioner of Police updating Members on the status of the City of London Police Risk Register.


The Commissioner explained that there had been a recent change from AMBER to RED for Strategic Risk No.10 – Failure of ASC System since publication of the report.  This was as a result of a lack of data causing it to be categorised as a critical risk.  However, the Commissioner explained that attention was being given to resolving the issue.


A Member questioned the lack of risk mitigation present in the report.  The Commissioner agreed to pass on further information to the Member. (2)


A Member queried whether the fact that many of the risks marked as RED were a cause for concern and portrayed a force under stress.  The Member asked for reassurance that the CoLP were managing to sustain operating effectively.  The Member explained that there seemed to be a number of significant operations ongoing that, if failing, would pose significant risks.  This Member stated that there needed to be increased visibility on the management of these projects for this reason.  The Commissioner explained that only the ‘AMBER/RED’ risks were included within the table and so the outlook is significantly better than portrayed by the table within the report.  He explained that although the force itself is not ‘RED’, it is facing challenges during a current phase of transformation.


It was agreed that there needed to be a separate monthly update on the Police Accommodation project progress. (3)


The Committee Members gave their thanks to the Casualty Bureau for their assistance in responding to the recent violent attacks in London Bridge.


The Commissioner explained that there was a planned debriefing session in which they would ask two primary queries – “What capacity have we got?” and “Do we need to train more?”


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.



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