Joint report of the Chamberlain and Commissioner of Police.
The Committee received a joint report of the Commissioner of Police and the Chamberlain that updated Members on revenue and capital outturn for 2016/17.
The Commissioner noted that underspending in comparison to predictions illustrated poor forecasting, but that this could be viewed as an anomaly caused by increased levels of scrutiny in the last quarter on non-pay spending. The Deputy Chairman noted that the balance of spending was wrong if there was a net underspend on staff costs and a net overspend on ‘back-office’ costs. The Commissioner assured Members that a new process for monitoring this balance of spending had now been implemented to mitigate this.
The Director of Financial Services explained that as there had not been any Home Office Police funding review as of yet, this meant that it was unlikely that there would be any increased funding for 2018/2019. A Member asked if the CoLP had submitted a letter requesting increased funding from the Home Office. The Commissioner confirmed that this had not been done.
The Commissioner explained that there had been a high level timeline put in place that would ensure successful management and delivery of the numerous projects over the coming 2-3 years such as the Control Room upgrade and Police Accommodation. An update would be submitted to the September meeting. (6)
A Member asked for clarification on the net overspend associated with Central Costs. The Commissioner explained that a reduction in income generated was caused by fewer officers operating on secondment than previously expected. The Director of Financial Services explained that certain costs, such as salaries, could not be categorised as capital project costs beyond Gateway 1-4.
A Member asked a question about the sums quoted for General Reserves and POCA Reserve Balances detailed within Table 3 of the report. In reference to the significant size of the sums, the Member requested clarification on the allocation of these funds with gross figures (7). The Commissioner explained that POCA has spending parameters associated, though the funds can be used for specified initiatives such as work with Europol on Romanian gangs and further investment into POCA and any recommendations made by the Demand & Value for Money review.
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
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