Agenda item

Special Interest Area Update

Verbal update from Members on two Special Interest Areas: Anti-Social Behaviour & Community Engagement and Equality Diversity & Human Rights


The Committee heard a verbal update from a Member on two Special Interest Areas:


Equality, Diversity & Human Rights

The SIA lead for Equality, Diversity & Human Rights explained that the CoLP lead officer for this SIA has now moved roles and so there would be a loss in useful communication for a period until his replacement is active. The Temporary Commander of Operations explained that the Inspector in question was now in a conduit role intermediating between the Metropolitan Police and the City of London Police.  A Member explained that this vacancy needed to be filled as soon as possible.  The SIA lead explained that the previous appointment took four months to recruit, and put forth the suggestion that the role might be open to civilians.


The lead explained that there were plans for the creation of a faith forum within the City of London.  A Member suggested that this might already be in existence in some form, and so there would likely be foundations already in place that could be developed in this regard.


The lead explained that an HR business partner had been assigned to each staff network.


The lead explained that there is currently an Equality/Diversity Strategy in place, though this had not been updated on the CoLP website. (4)


The lead explained that the BME statistics for the CoLP were worse than those of the Metropolitan Police, and that the recruitment of probation officers was an area that needed particular attention.  Probation panels are set to move towards an overall assessment of skills.


Anti-Social Behaviour & Community Engagement

The SIA lead explained that reporting methods for Anti-Social Behaviour have developed, leading to an increase in the number of incidents being reported.



RESOLVED – That the SIA Lead for Equality, Diversity & Human Rights and Anti-Social Behaviour & Community Engagement be heard.