Agenda item

Annual Report for Tenants and STAR survey results

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services (copy attached)


The Sub Committee received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services, which presented Members with the third Annual Report for Tenants and summarised the results of the STAR tenant satisfaction survey.


The STAR survey showed that tenant satisfaction with the overall service provided by the City of London had remained high and in the top quartile nationally. This was a great achievement given the recent front-line staffing changes and the national rent increases that followed.


The Annual Report to Tenants provides information on the STAR survey results as well as the routine performance information. The Report will be delivered to all tenants over the next few weeks.


The Housing Services Director agreed that there is on-going work to ensure satisfaction with the repairs service is treated as a priority and that we look more deeply at why some tenants do not feel that we take their views into account. Managing expectations is important as part of this work.


Members debated the possibility of officers discussing with residents the option of increasing service charges to cover the cost of offering further services, should they want them. This will be explored during the financial modelling of the HRA business plan and contained in the above mentioned report to Committee in November. 


The Housing Service Director informed Members that two new members of staff with previous call centre experience had been hired to answer general enquiry calls, in a bid to improve telephone satisfaction levels. He was conscious of the rising levels of energy bills and would be investigating ways in which energy could be provided to residents in a more cost effective way.



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