Agenda item


To receive a report setting out measures introduced into Parliament which may have an effect on the services provided by the City Corporation.


The Court received a report on measures introduced by Parliament which might have an effect on the services provided by the City Corporation as follows:-






European Union (Withdrawal) Bill

The Bill will repeal the European Communities Act 1972, bringing to an end the status of EU law within the British legal system, and will adopt the provisions of existing EU law into UK law. It provides a framework for making necessary modifications to the adopted EU law as a consequence of the UK’s withdrawal, to be done through a large volume of subsequent regulations.

Telecommunications Infrastructure (Relief from Non-Domestic Rates) Bill

The Bill will grant full relief from business rates for new fibre communications infrastructure in relation to a five-year period beginning in April 2017.


Statutory Instruments

Date inforce

The School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Order 2017, S.I. No. 811

The Order gives effect to revised terms and conditions (including remuneration levels) for teachers in maintained schools for the new academic year. Changes include a 2% uplift to the main pay range.

1 September 2017

The Co-ordination of Regulatory Enforcement Regulations 2017, S.I. No. 835

The Regulations set out details of the revised ‘primary authority’ scheme, whereby a single local authority (including the Common Council acting in that capacity) can take the lead on advising a business about regulatory compliance, with its advice then taken in to account by other relevant local authorities. For instance, the Regulations specify the role of national regulators in supporting primary authorities, and set out the process to be followed when there is a dispute about proposed enforcement action.

1 October 2017

The Caseins and Caseinates (England) Regulations 2017, S.I. No. 848

The Regulations implement revised EU rules governing the use of caseins and caseinates—forms of milk protein—in food. They will be enforced by food authorities, including the Common Council acting in that capacity.

26 September 2017

(The text of the measures and the explanatory notes may be obtained from the Remembrancer’s office.)


Supporting documents: