Report of the Chamberlain.
The Board received a report of the Chamberlain which set out further actions to be taken in order to continue to build responsible investment, this would commence with a Survey of Financial Investment Board Members on their investment beliefs and the results of this would inform a workshop and subsequent discussions.
The Board noted that it would be useful for the Survey to also seek views on implementation of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations for investment policies. The Board further noted that it would be useful for the Survey to be shared with Members of the Social Investment Board (SIB) and asked the Chamberlain to liaise with SIB Members. The Board asked that a note of this discussion and the report before Members be sent to the next meeting of the Social Investment Board.
RESOLVED – That the Board agree:
a) to a survey of FIB Members on their investment beliefs in relation to RI/ESG considerations;
b) following the analysis of the survey results, a workshop/FIB discussion on a Responsible Investment draft policy statement, that would feed into the wider Investment Strategy;
c) to subsequently, prepare an implementation plan that would enable us to commit to the UK Stewardship Code and to the Principles of Responsible Investment within an agreed timeframe; and
d) that a note of this discussion and the report before Members be sent to the next meeting of the Social Investment Board.
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