Agenda item

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

·         To approve the Public Minutes and Summary of the Barbican Residential Committee held on 10 December 2012.

·         To receive the draft Public Minutes and Summary of the Barbican Residential Consultation Committee held on 28 January 2013 – TO FOLLOW


The public minutes and summary of the Barbican Residential Committee (BRC) of 10 December 2012 were approved, subject to a correction on page 3 in that the area at the base Lauderdale (not Shakespeare Tower) was badly lit.


Matters arising


Sub letting - Members noted this had been resolved and was a matter for the Comptroller and City Solicitor.


Concrete testing - a letter had been sent to the Chairmen of the Barbican Association (BA) and Residents Consultation Committee (RCC) in response to their queries.  The Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the BRC would meet with the Chairmen of the BA and RCC, before a report is presented to the June meeting of the BRC. Members asked if they could be sent a copy of this letter.  Members noted that residents would also be receiving a letter this week about preparatory works to the rusting. 

Asbestos – Members noted that there was asbestos in some of the cupboards but not all and there were no planned works.  The next BRC meeting would receive a detailed update.


Tour of the Estate – This would be arranged after the April Court, to include the new composition of Members. 


The Chairman advised that he would be changing the running order to take Item 15 first (Fann Street EC2 – Bid Analysis First Stage).  After this, the meeting would return to open session to complete the business on the agenda.


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