Report of the Community Safety Manager
The Group received a report of the Community Safety Team Manager that provided Members with an update on the City Community Safety Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (CCM) and explained why Anti-Social Behaviour training was required, how the CST went about finding the right provider for officers and what has been achieved so far.
The Community Safety Team Manager explained that the CCM aims to focus not just on single families, but on an entire estate or area.
The Deputy Chairman explained that Prevent training focused on reducing hate crime has led to improved access to and ability to utilise more robust community networks. The Chairman stated his approval of this, noting that this would also be beneficial in allowing the City Corporation to be more resilient in the face of external challenge.
The Director of Markets and Consumer Protection requested further detail in relation to the point made within paragraph 11, that described situations in which earlier actions may have been able to prevent herm had officers been aware of legal tools at their disposal. The Deputy Chairman explained that there had been instances in which the collection of evidence had not been comprehensive enough, and as a result had let to an inability to act on cases of ASB. He confirmed however, that many lessons had been learned from these processing errors. The Chairman stated that if legislation cannot be used to affect a resolution in certain situations, then there is a need to adjust the approach used – possibly exploring lessons learned in other areas that might be applicable.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
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