Agenda item

Outstanding Issues Report

Report of the Town Clerk.


Governors considered a report of the Town Clerk regarding outstanding actions and the following was raised.


·         The Chairman informed Governors of a typographical error on item 6 (page 28 of the agenda pack), insofar as the reference to ‘Chairman’ should refer to ‘Chamberlain’.


·         The Chairman then referred to various vacancies existing on the Board’s sub-committees and related bodies and discussion took place, during which Governors noted the information provided by the Principal in relation to Professor Maria Delgado. During discussion, the Town Clerk undertook to clarify eligibility for vacant positions on the Remuneration Committee and the Principal confirmed the intention to discuss the vacancy for a senior academic staff member on the Nominations Committee at the School’s next Vice Principals’ meeting. Following further debate it was-


RESOLVED, that Governors receive the report and


·         Appoint Professor Maria Delgado to the Remuneration Committee as a co-opted member.


·         Appoint The Chairman to the vacancy on the Academic Assurance Working Group.


·         Appoint The Deputy Chairman as the nominated Governor to liaise with the Students’ Union; and


·         That the Town Clerk prepares a report as a standard item at each future Board meeting setting out the dates of the Board’s forthcoming sub-committee and related body meetings.





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