Agenda item

Minutes of the Academic and Education Sub-Committee

To receive the public minutes of the meeting held on 19 June 2017.



The draft minutes of the Academic and Education Sub Committee meeting held on 19 June 2017 were received.


Governors noted that the meeting took place at Guildhall, not the City of London Freemen’s School as noted in the minutes.


Matters Arising

Terms of Reference

The Chairman noted that the sub committee had put forward some suggested amendments to its terms of reference for consideration by the Board.


In response to a request from a Governor, the Town Clerk agreed to set and circulate the dates of the Board’s sub committees. 


RESOLVED, that the following amendments to the terms of reference of the Academic and Education Sub Committee be agreed:


·         To make recommendations for the Board’s approval on the following matters:’ should appear before the section ‘With power to act on the following matters’.


·         To move (this bullet point should appear as the first bullet point within the‘recommendations’ section) and amend as follows, the penultimate bullet point of the recommendations:

To monitor general compliance with safeguarding requirements (not involving individual cases).’


·         The name of the sub committee be changed to the Academic and Personnel Sub Committee.


Supporting documents: