Agenda item


To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 10 May 2012 (copy attached).



The public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 10 May 2012 were approved subject to the following amendments:


Under the matters arising section under item 7 on Advertising of Licensing Applications the following sentence would be added at the end of the minute: -


A Member queried the cost of seeking Counsel’s advice on the guidance which would be issued to applicants when advertising licensing applications. The Comptroller & City Solicitor explained that the cost was in the region of approximately £1,350”.


Under item 13 the sentence “It was noted that conditions imposed on premises licences should be short, succinct, understandable and enforceable” would be amended to “A Member raised a question in relation to conditions being added to licences under delegated authority pointing out that conditions being imposed on premises licences under delegated authority were unenforceable, lengthy and indistinct and that they needed to be short, succinct, understandable and enforceable”.


Under item 10, third paragraph, the sentence “A discussion took place on the word ‘appropriate’ being replaced with the word ‘necessary’ in relation to…” would be replaced with “A discussion took place on the word ‘necessary’ being replaced with the word ‘appropriate’ in relation to…”


Matters Arising


Health and Wellbeing Board


In relation to whether the Health and Wellbeing Board would be considered as a Responsible Authority, the Comptroller & City Solicitor pointed out that further guidance was yet to be released from government which may provide clarity on the matter.


New Internet Web Pages


The Chairman explained that the ‘Licensing’ section on the new internet website was currently under the ‘Business’ section and could also be accessed through the ‘Services’ option but not directly. Members felt that the ‘Licensing’ section should be available directly through the ‘Services’ option and the Assistant Director of PR (Press) undertook to ensure that this would be changed on the City Corporation’s website.


Enforcement Letters


The Chairman pointed out that the Committee had previously agreed that copies of any enforcement letters issued to licensed premises would be circulated at the committee.



Home Office Consultation


The Assistant Director of Environmental Health & Public Protection explained that the Early Morning Restriction Orders and the Late Night Levy would most likely be implemented in March 2013 and June 2013 respectively and that it was expected that 70% of the levy would go to the City of London Police and 30% to the licensing service. A report would be submitted to this Committee in October 2012 providing an update.


Supporting documents: