Agenda item

Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent


Charterhouse Street

The Assistant Director of Environmental Health & Public Protection provided an oral update concerning a recent murder in Charterhouse Street associated with a club in the London Borough of Islington. Islington’s Licensing Team are discussing the matter with the Metropolitan Police and it appears that there will either be changes to the licence to add conditions on security or a review of the premises licence upon which the views of The City Corporation will be sought.

Environmental Health has consulted with the Comptroller & City Solicitor and have received advice that it could seek a review across the border (Islington) under S 51 of The Licensing Act 2003 as "any other person" with a cautionary caveat that they must have suitable and sufficient evidence to base this upon. Except for the murder investigation there is little other evidence of complaints to Public Protection or the City Police. It was noted that the matter would be kept under review at the fortnightly 'tactical' meetings now being held with City Police.