Agenda item

Revenue Outturn 2011/12

Joint report of the Chamberlain and the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection (copy attached).


A joint report of the Chamberlain and the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection comparing the revenue outturn for the services overseen by this Committee in 2011/12 with the final agreed budget for the year was considered. The report set out that the overall total net income during the year was £57,000 whereas the total agreed budget was nil, which represented an underspend of £57,000.


The report explained that the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection had submitted a request to carry forward underspends and that the request would be considered by the Chamberlain in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Resource Allocation Sub (Policy and Resources) Committee.


Members noted that the whole underspend was not being retained within this Committee’s budget, as the current rules on the use of carry forwards permit the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection to determine the distribution of his carry forward between the three Committees he reports to, subject to an overall maximum of £500,000.


Members considered that the Committee should have a say in the allocation of underspending and asked for the rules on the use of carry forwards to be reviewed by the Resources Allocation Sub (Policy and Resources) Committee with a view to securing adjustments to facilitate greater Member involvement. 


RESOLVED – That the report be noted and a recommendation be made to the Resource Allocation Sub (Policy and Resources) Committee to review the arrangements for carrying forward underspends.


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