Agenda item

Review of Governance Arrangements

Report of the Town Clerk

For Decision


The Board considered a report of the Town Clerk, prepared on behalf of the Post Implementation Working Group which sought feedback and comments from Members on the governance arrangements introduced in March 2011 and the impact they may have had, if any, on the operation of the Committee.


The Chairman noted that since the Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee did not have responsibility for some of the major cultural institutions funded by the City, including the Barbican Centre; it was difficult for that committee to drive the City’s cultural strategy.  In this context, the Members Cultural Strategy Group, which had been set up as a temporary working party to assist in the drafting of the Cultural Strategy, had proved to be a very useful body and it was suggested, with the agreement of the Chairman of the Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee, that the Implementation Working Party be requested to consider formalising this group.


RESOLVED – That the Board’s comments in relation to the Members Cultural Strategy Group be forwarded to the Post Implementation Governance Working Party. 


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