Agenda item

City of London Police Update

Report of the Commissioner of Police.


The Group received a report of the Commissioner of Police that provided an update on the activities of the City of London Police since the last meeting.


The Commissioner of Police noted to Members that violent crime had increased over the last period.  The Senior Analyst explained that the distinction between violence with and without injury was crucial and an analysis of low-level violence was necessary to provide a more contextual perspective of the issues.  It was confirmed that this would be included in future CoLP updates. (8)


The Commissioner of Police confirmed that alcohol recovery centres would be set up over the Christmas period, working in conjunction with the Communications team to campaign. 


The Commissioner of Police explained that violent crime was categorised as one of the Force’s “control measures”, essentially designating it as a priority area.  The responsible officer for tackling this is Superintendent Bill Duffy, who is operating with the target of improving on the figures for the previous Christmas.


The Commissioner of Police explained that there had been a decrease in acquisitive crime in the last quarter, and this area would be addressed as part of the Christmas Communications campaign.


The Senior Analyst explained that ASB was being given a more detailed analysis, particularly with the identification of the relationship between rough sleepers and homeless.  She explained that they had been drawing a comparison between begging and rough sleeping locations as part of this analysis.  She explained that their analysis was currently limited to that of data Force data, and it would be beneficial to have access to that of partners in addition.  The Commissioner of Police explained that although ASB was not a Force priority, it was however, viewed as a local priority. 


The Chairman noted that trends were not evident from the way data had been presented in the report, and requested that figures be given context to aid Members in drawing any conclusions from reports. (9)  He asked if the number of rough sleepers was increasing, and the Commissioner of Police confirmed that it was, and that this was in line with a wider European increase.


RESOLVED – That the report be received.


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