Report of the City & Hackney Safeguarding Adults Board Manager
The Group received a report of the City & Hackney Safeguarding Adults Board Manager that provided Members with an update on the achievements of the Board during 2016-17.
The Assistant Director of Community and Children’s Services passed on apologies from the chair of the City and Hackney Safeguarding Adults Board who was unable to attend.
The Assistant Director of Community and Children’s Services explained that the Board had now gained statutory status. He explained that the Safeguarding Adult Reviews was a key area that had been brought in, and it ensured that any learning was brought back to the City of London Corporation, and scrutiny of work within the City was occurring.
The Assistant Director of Community and Children’s Services explained that the Neglect and Mismanagement panel was now in place.
The Chairman noted that the report was very thorough, though queried whether there was confidence that adults are safe within the City. The Assistant Director of Community and Children’s Services explained that work had gone into raising awareness about various important issues, and positive work had been achieved. He explained however, that modern slavery was still an issue of concern alongside domestic violence.
The Director of Community & Children's Services explained that some really good work had been achieved, but there is still a desire for increased contributions of peoples’ concerns so that attempts can be made to address any other issues.
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
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