Report of the Head of Corporate Strategy & Performance
The Group received a report of the Head of Corporate Strategy & Performance that provided Members with an update on progress with the development of the Corporate Plan, including the consultation and engagement activities that have been organised between September and November 2017.
The Corporate Strategy Manager explained that the Corporate Strategy was open for comments until 8 November 2017, at which point the redrafting process would take place, leading to a final version being proposed to Summit Group in November, and to Chief Officers’ Group in December. A Members’ Breakfast has also been arranged for 7 November 2017 to gather feedback.
The corporate Strategy Manager explained that the Strategy focused on three key objectives:
· Grow the economy
· Shape the City of the future
· Contribute to a flourishing society
The representative for the Partnership for Young London illustrated their approval of the inclusion of the voluntary sector in the strategy. She asked when further work to engage on the ground with charities would take place. The Corporate Strategy Manager explained that at the current time, they had been predominantly focused on internal engagement, utilising the Corporate Strategy Network. However, she confirmed that they had contacted the Partnership for young London. She also explained that within the relatively short three-month timescale for drafting the strategy, it has not been possible to engage all internal and external parties. She explained that they have 10-15 external partners within their network, through which they aim to cover a broad range of interests and expertise.
The Corporate Strategy Manager explained that there was a great emphasis on working with Communities, and that they are looking forward to working with communities to define the aims and indicators of success after the launch.
The Director of Markets and Consumer Protection illustrated his approval of the Draft Corporate Plan, noting that it captured the Safer City Partnership Strategy Group’s motives very well. He explained that this was highlighted in paragraphs 9-12 of the document, which addressed “How we contribute to a flourishing society”. He noted that some areas featured overlaps that could be reduced, and that Community Safety warranted additional inclusion.
The Corporate Strategy Manager thanked Members for their comments and invited further feedback to the Corporate Strategy team.
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
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