Report of the Chamberlain and Commissioner of Police
The Committee considered a joint report of the Chamberlain and the Commissioner of Police that proposed the strategic direction for the City of London Police IT service over the next three years, until 2020.
Members commented that the attachment of the Appendix relating to the Force Information Security Policy was unnecessary. However, Members agreed with the general principals set out by the strategy.
A Member questioned the lack of reassurance that nothing would be implemented that was incompatible with technology used by other forces. The Commissioner explained that the CoLP were monitoring every opportunity in policing and are fully engaged with other forces on new developments – clarification of this had simply been omitted from the report.
The Assistant Commissioner explained that the Force Information Security Policy, although compiled in August 2014, was still current as of this meeting. He explained that the Director of IT sits on the Force Strategic Digital Board which allows CoL/CoLP to maintain insight in this regard. He explained that the CoLP is thus able to join up with national forces with regards to interoperability of systems where possible as part of the national police IT landscape. The Chairman stated that these facts need to be clarified within the next iteration of the IT strategy which would be reviewed in six months. (8)
RESOLVED – That the report be received and the strategic approach set out within the report be approved.
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