Report of the Community Safety Manager
The Group considered a report of the Community Safety Manager that provided Members with the opportunity to consider a draft of a new Safer City Partnership Strategy.
The Community Safety Manager thanked partners for their contributions, and explained that the report title should read “2017-2020” rather than “2017-2018”. He explained that last year’s strategy document, even given any errors, provided very useful spark for discussion/concrete aims. He asked that partners offer their criticisms.
The representative for the Partnership for Young London asked if the document could be shared publicly at this stage. The Community Safety Manager explained that, although the draft document has been published in the public domain as part of this agenda, it would be more useful to come to an agreement on the draft, before actively sharing it. He explained that the general priorities were agreed at the beginning of 2017.
The Chairman asked if there were now any significant disagreements to note. It would be expected that suggestions for incremental improvements be taken into account for 2018. The Town Clerk requested that a list of potential sources of funding be included. (6)
RESOLVED – That the report be received and Members agree:
1. To consider the draft strategy
2. The principle of a return to a three-year rolling strategy
3. Where appropriate, begin work towards the 2018 refresh.
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