Report of the City of London Police
This item is in colour and has been attached separately
The Group received a report of the Commissioner of Police that summarised the activity of the City of London Police since the last meeting on 3 November 2017.
The Chairman asked, in reference to the increase in acquisitive crime, if there was any way to raise awareness of the importance of safe mobile phone use in public. A Member explained that walking nearer to the building line would reduce the risk significantly. The Commissioner explained that with the use of mopeds, thieves were able to mount the pavement. The Commissioner agreed to speak to the Corporate Communications department about possible methods of promotion, proposing the possible use of geo-located mobile media to notify the public of threats.
The Commissioner explained that low-level violence had been sub-categorised into violence with/without injury, following Members’ previous requests.
The Chairman asked if there was a trend of violent crime increasing over the last three years. The Commissioner confirmed that it was, but explained that it was necessary to analyse individual types of crime to get an accurate portrayal. A Member explained that violent crime relating to the late-night economy was found by the Licensing Committee to be in decline, citing the success of the Traffic Light Scheme that monitored licensed premises. The Chairman illustrated his approval. The Deputy Chairman cited the recent changes to recording methods, and asked whether there was confidence that these figures were an accurate portrayal. The Commissioner confirmed that they employed staff to enact quality control on incoming data, and thus that they were confident that the figures were reliable.
The Chairman asked if there was any understanding as to why Rough Sleeping had seen an increase. The Commissioner explained that this was not yet known, but that austerity had often been sighted as one possible reason. The Assistant Director of Community and Children’s Services explained that research had shown that the numbers of those sleeping on the street for more than one night had been reduced, and efforts to provide “205’s” with accommodation had been significant.
The Chairman illustrated his approval of the style and format for the Police update report, and requested that this be maintained going forward. He requested that the data presented also be kept consistent with those presented at other committees, such as the Police Performance and Resource Management Sub-Committee. (2)
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
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