Agenda item

Drugs and Alcohol Misuse Services

Report of the Health & Wellbeing Team, Community & Children's Services


The Group received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services that sought Partners’ support of their work around Drug and Alcohol Misuse Services.


The Health and Wellbeing Executive Support Officer explained that a multi-agency partnership was being proposed to improve understanding of drug misuse.


The Health and Wellbeing Executive Support Officer explained that the although the Police custody suite used for drug and alcohol assessments was funded by Police budgets, this funding was no longer certain in future.


With regards to the Task and Finish Group referenced by paragraph 13 of the report, the Director of Port Health and Public protection proposed that further representatives could be involved.


The Health and Wellbeing Executive Support Officer explained that the Business Healthy Programme had shown that there was greater resistance to engagement concerned with drug consumption than with alcohol consumption. 


The Representative of the Crime Prevention Association offered to assist with engagement, and the Chairman confirmed that this would be beneficial.


A Member noted that the Late-Night Levy funding is allocated to initiatives involving the Late  Night Economy, and emphasised that some aspects outlined within the report, such as drug use in the workplace, would not be covered.


RESOLVED – That Partners agree to:


              i.        Note the report.


             ii.        Support ongoing work to prevent and tackle drug and alcohol misuse among workers in the City of London, through key channels such as the Safer City Partnership, Business Healthy and WDP’s Square Mile Health®.


            iii.        Endorse the proposal to establish a multiagency partnership group to look at this issue in more detail, and gather further evidence about drug use in the City.


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