Report of the Commissioner, City of London Police.
Members received a report of the Commissioner, City of London Police, following concerns raised by Members of both the Police and Safeguarding Sub Committees that the City of London Police might be using excessive force on juveniles when compared to other forces; specifically, the Metropolitan Police and Cambridgeshire.
Members noted that the figures previously presented showed different aspects and therefore should not have been directly compared. Further comparable data has since been acquired, and presented in this report, and Members were satisfied that it demonstrated how the City of London Police were performing in line with these other forces.
In response to questions, Members noted that a senior officer visited vulnerable detainees to check on their welfare and the Stop and Search/Use of Force Working Group met monthly. Both the Metropolitan and Cambridgeshire Police had been informed of the new data and the Chief Inspector advised that it was very difficult to standardise different forces, particularly one as different as Cambridgeshire. Members also noted that taser use fell within Use of Force, under a separate set of statistics, which were reported annually to the Police Committee. The Chief Inspector advised that there had been no incidents of taser use on under 18s in the City of London.
RESOLVED, that - the report be noted.
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