Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services in respect of the Property and Housing Services Risk Register. Members were asked to note a couple of errors in the report:
- Fire Risk Assessments - the risk should be down
- Lone Working – no change to the risk
In respect of lone workers, Members noted that there had been some issues with mobile apps, due to a lack of signal and they might be too visible in the event of threat. The ‘Skyguard’ personal alarms would, therefore, be rolled out to a further 100 lone workers. Members noted that these devices could be activated from a staff ID badge and would connect to contact centre, which would be able to listen into an incident and provide the Police with a GPS location. Given the large number of these units, the contract might need to be tendered but the risk was being actively managed and had enabled managers to be aware of more lone workers, who might not previously have considered themselves as such. Members asked for the devices to be sourced as soon as possible.
RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.
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