Agenda item

Fire Safety Update

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.



Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services, which provided an update on progress made in relation to Fire Safety matters since the last update reports in July and September 2017.  During the discussion, the following points were noted:


  • The Fire Brigade had been consulted on the Type 3 Risk Assessment findings from Great Arthur House and interim measures were in place.  A temporary alarm, a ‘waking watch’ and an evacuation plan had been introduced, pending the installation of a hard-wired alarm by the end of January 2018.  Waking Watch guards, provided and managed by one of the City of London Corporation’s approved security companies, are required to scan in on each floor as they complete their patrol of the building. 


  • Remedial works required at Great Arthur House will include fire-stopping measures to the spy holes and parcel cupboards to front entrance screens.


  • Surveys for the new round of Fire Risk Assessments on all Social Housing blocks would be completed next week.


  • Officers tabled the latest newsletter on fire safety. A Member was concerned about the use of candles and asked that, particularly over the forthcoming festive season, advice be offered about using containers above the candle or suggesting rechargeable tea lights. 


  • A Member asked for officers to check that no fire doors had been painted shut during redecorations. 


  • The Assistant Director was very pleased to advise that the Chamberlain had agreed funding for intensive visits to all tenanted properties and a pilot for Leasehold properties on Golden Lane Estate.  This would provide an opportunity to gain a vast range of intelligence on our residents and to provide additional support to households needing it.  Officers advised that the resourcing for this project would include referrals and follow-up work. 


  • Fire Risk Assessments for all HRA properties had been due for completion by the end of November.  There had been some slippage but surveys were almost complete and the first draft reports were due in the next two weeks. Members accepted that it was preferable to publish an action plan alongside the risk assessment reports but any immediate issues would be addressed.  The report and action plan would form part of the report to both the Community and Children’s Service and Housing Management Almshouses sub committees in February/March 2018.  Members were reminded that the current Fire Risk Assessments were still valid and were not due for review until August 2018.


The Chairman of the Grand Committee commended the Department’s measured approach and had found that, generally, residents were content with this. Finally, Members noted that the Community and Children’s Services Committee would receive a full report on sprinklers, doors and fire alarms at their March Meeting and the Housing and Management Almshouses Sub would receive this report at their March meeting.


RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.



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